The portal is developed to curate data on how States across Nigeria have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic using the UN Special Rapportuer on Freedom of Association and Assembly's report on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression and the Open Government Partnerships (OGP) guide to open government and the coronavirus: misinformation and protecting freedom of expression. Follow the filters to understand how your State have responded since the COVID-19 crisis began.
States Covered
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Governments should proactively share relevant information in a timely manner, updated on a regular basis.
Publish information across mainstream media, social media channels, and through mediums and languages accessible to segments of the population across the digital divide.
Governments should designate official spokespersons and data sources in relevant government departments to minimize the likelihood of conflicting messages.
Being honest with people and giving them access to information in way they can consume, in a way that promotes non-discrimination.
Enabling all individuals genuine access to the tools of communication necessary to learn about the public health crisis and the steps necessary to protect themselves and, if they are health-care workers (formally or informally), to care for others.
Ensure that emergency powers that temporarily restrict these constitutional rights are subject to limitations within the framework of relevant international legal frameworks, such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
Ensure that emergency powers’ scope and limitations are clearly defined, including procedural and legal requirements as well as the right to recourse under the domestic constitution.
Strengthen legal frameworks on the role of national human rights institutions, and create mechanisms for them to partner with civil society to carry out their role.
Open, secure, and accessible internet is particularly key for essential workers and the public to access critical information in a timely fashion and also gain access to economic markets and resources. Governments should refrain from blocking access to the internet or placing restrictions on data speeds.
Designate specific units within governments that can immediately identify and counter misinformation trends, while avoiding punitive measures that could lead to censorship of relevant international legal frameworks, such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
State agencies should refrain from conducting propaganda campaigns. Media and civil society have an important role to play in monitoring and flagging state-led disinformation campaigns.
Governments should designate official spokespersons and data sources in relevant government departments to minimize the likelihood of conflicting messages.
Ensure that any new executive orders or legislation that target hates speech meet the limits of proportionality, necessity, and legality as outlined in international human rights law.
Ensure that accountability and redress for curbing hate speech on social media platforms lies with the government rather than the online platforms themselves.
Ensuring that people have the tools to confront and correct disinformation, and in particular avoiding taking the kinds of steps that will deter the sharing of critical information at a time of crisis
We collect and analyze information about your general usage of the website to the products services and courses.
This content is provided “as is” solely for informational purposes. It is not legal, health, or safety advice.